Programming language

what is programming language?

programming language are languages used to setup or build up an application or a webpage.It also a formal language which comprises a set of instructions that produce different kinds of output .It consist of instructions for computer.
They are used in computer programming to implement algorithm.We can also define it as a set of command or instructions syntax use to create a software websites and applications.

Type of programming language

  1. Procedural programming Language.
  2. Functional programming language.
  3. Objective programming language.
  4. Scripting programming language.
  5. Logic programming language.
  6. c++ language.
  7. c language.
  8. pascal language e.t.c.
Note:HTML,CSS are said not to be technically programming languages they are just front end of webpage and application.
  Now let begin by starting with the front end languages.which are:

Introduction to HTML

  Hyper text mark-up language is used to design webpages.HTML defines the link between webpages.
Characteristics of HTML

  1. Easy to understand.
  2. Linkable.
  3. Unlimited features.
  4. Flexibility.
  5. support.


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